Wednesday, October 13, 2010

{Why we hate fat people...}

While many of the points in J. Eric Oliver’s article, “Why We Hate Fat People,” were very constructive and educational, I think he is undermining the importance of a healthy life style.  America has many superficial, stereotypical issues with judging people by their appearance, whether they are heavier, or wearing something that is considered strange, or if they are a certain race, and I think to single out one issue and not consider the fact that we do this in so many other forms is ignorant. People are going to think that different things are attractive as time goes on, that is true, but the health risks of obesity and living a sedentary lifestyle are not. 
I think it is very wrong that we exploit people in the media for having a certain image, but it is not limited to just body size. We think highly of people for their money, prestige, relationships, etc. The consumerist mindset of America is completely distorted and tainted, and we need to be able to make the ethically right decision as individuals to decide what we value in people.
While our perception of body size is a major problem in America, I think the main thing we need to address is the obesity epidemic. Heart disease is the #1 killer of women in America, and the issue of obesity is resulting in so many economic problems to go along with it. I think America should shift its focus to solving this problem first and foremost. 

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